Tuesday, July 2, 2013

First Glass Etching Projects

I decided to learn a new project and this project is glass etching. I bought the supplies at a local craft store and tried out my new supplies.

It is actually really simple and I was surprised at how little time it took (even though it did take about an hour for each of my two projects with preparing and everything that goes along with it). Below are the pictures of my first couple of attempts.

I am very satisfied with my results and with the knowledge I have gained. I do plan to continue practicing and learning more about this new craft of mine. There are also a few others that I want to start doing, soap making and stone steps with glass.

My husband wants me to etch our wedding glasses, so that is a future project as I get in more practice. He also wants me to etch the windshield of the motorcycle that I bought him for a father's day/birthday present. It is plexiglass, so I'm not sure if it will work, but hey, I will give anything a shot.

I can potentially etch anything with glass, salt and pepper shakers, drinking glasses, vases, fish tanks, storage containers, and any glass decoration. So I am very excited and can not wait to experiment further.

Have you recently tried a new craft? What is it? How were your results? Are you going to try again? Comment below, I am interested in hearing the good with the bad.

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